Erickson Strong Scholarship 2025

The Erickson Strong Scholarship was created to encourage individuals who are: 

  • Wisconsin resident 
  • Early in their lean journey 
  • Able to attend the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) Congress 
  • Have not previously attended an LCI Congress 

The scholarship honors the memory of Mark Erickson and his commitment to educational and professional growth within the Lean Construction Institute. Watch this video to learn more about Mark Erickson and the Erickson Strong Scholarship opportunity.  

The Scholarship will be awarded based on response to questions in this application along with interest in Lean Construction through internship, project work, and participation in a Milwaukee Center of Practice or LCI national event, which is encouraged but not required. 

 Scholarship: Two Scholarships, $2,500 each, will be awarded to two people to attend the 2025 LCI Congress Core Program session. 

 LCI Congress Information:  The 27th Annual LCI Congress is scheduled to be held October 21-24, 2025, in Arlington, Texas.  

Key Dates: 

  • Applications are due no later than July 11, 2025. 
  • Scholarship award recipients will be announced at the LCI Milwaukee Golf Event in August 2025. Scholarship recipients will be invited to attend the event to accept their award. 
  • Scholarship recipients to attend the LCI Congress 2025 Core Program sessions. 
  • Debrief with Scholarship recipients and LCI Milwaukee community on your experiences, date to be determined. 

Erickson Strong Scholarship Application

Are you a current LCI member:
Have you participated in past LCI events?


The Lean Construction Institute – Milwaukee Community of Practice will facilitate selection and award of the Scholarship, and work with the recipient to coordinate scheduling and payment for registration, travel and lodging for attendance at the 2025 LCI Congress. Recipient rants full permission to CornerStone One and Lean Construction Institute, and its representatives, to use, reproduce, publish, distribute and exhibit my name, picture, likeness, voice or any or all of these in connection with this scholarship.