Our Commitment
At CornerStone One, we believe that a strong community is key to creating happier, healthier people. That’s why we work to form effective partnerships with local non-profit organizations who share the same philosophy.
We support our community partners through volunteer work, event sponsorships and charitable donations. When we all come together, we can change lives for the better.

erickson strong scholarship
The Erickson Strong Scholarship encourages individuals who are Wisconsin residents and early in their lean journey to attend the annual Lean Construction Institute (LCI) Congress. Two scholarships will be awarded, $2,500 each.
The scholarship honors the memory of Mark Erickson and his commitment to educational and professional growth within the lean community. Watch this video from President Steve Adkins to learn more about Mark Erickson – coworker, husband, father, friend, and beloved member of the CornerStone One team – and the Erickson Strong Scholarship Opportunity.
The 2024 scholarship recipients were announced
August 19.
Apply today for the 2025 scholarship.

lad lake
CornerStone One supports the work of Lad Lake by providing important scholarships for at-risk youths. Lad Lake offers safe, individualized therapy and skill-building to serve children who are most desperately in need. This includes supporting foster kids, mentoring troubled youth, and providing a safe-haven for exploited and abused girls.
Constantly evolving to meet the pressing needs of the community, Lad Lake works to foster healthy relationships, strengthen families and connect youth to community resources.

kijani farm
CornerStone One is proud to work with Kijani Farm in their mission of advancing community development in Kenya through agricultural training. Kijani Farm strives to completely transform the lives of everyone it touches by creating sustainable food and work solutions, improved healthcare and access to education, clean water and a local church.
The core values of Kijani Farm are to empower through sustainability, partner and not parent those they work with, extend holistic compassion to all aspects of a person and encourage innovation through creativity.

bridge builders
Bridge Builders is a Milwaukee-based organization with a mission to inspire inner-city innovation. Through its “one block at a time” campaign, Bridge Builders invests in the infrastructure, streetscape, code enforcement and housing conditions of a 170-block area in the Thurston Woods and Old North Milwaukee neighborhoods. Block by block, project by project, Bridge Builders improves the lives of the residents who live in these underserved areas.
By donating to Bridge Builders, Cornerstone One is investing in safer neighborhoods and better lives for residents in Milwaukee. Donated funds help support Bridge Builders and its mission to empower residents, unify neighborhoods, reduce crime, improve living conditions, and invest in a better, brighter future.